en route a journey of life…
Greetings and welcome to this space.
I am Ramnik Kaur, a 23 year old that calls Alberta home. My ancestral home is in the Punjab and even though I have only visited a handful of times, I truly believe that I am connected to the land spiritually. I am currently doing a Masters of Law in Australia. I am an anthropologist and I have been hardwired to be curious. I am a Sikh Canadian, whose parents immigrated in hopes for a better life. The list of who we are can run long but that’s probably not why you are here.
I am a freelance photographer, storyteller, and an avid adventurer. I want more women to get outdoors, take up space, and live life curiously.
My grandpa and my dad always documented their adventures with photography. From using job opportunities to travel the world, to learning how to scuba dive, and for my dad to somehow find my mum on a trail in the most unexpected way - there’s a lot of family history and treasures in these photos. Growing up more than anything I wanted to be out there, wild, I wanted it to just be me and my camera collecting memories and adding to the family chest of stories.
I quickly realized that there was a difference in how the world perceived me. A Sikh, Punjabi, first generation Canadian, women of colour - the layers of societal expectations and norms that I ‘should’ have followed were endless and only tried to hold me back. When I started getting outside, I didn’t know any Punjabi that had gone camping, I didn’t know any immigrated family that would prioritize going outside, I didn’t see women of colour on National Geographic, and I didn’t see anyone who looked like me doing the things that I wanted to do. When you come to this realiziation, where you stand out and are different, society gaslights you into believing that what you want is impossible. It isn’t, I can’t think of a single inspiring story where someone lets others tell them who they are and what they should do.
I started taking up space on Instagram to inspire more women (especially BIWoC) to get outside. I am a true believer in “if you can see her, you can be her”. Which led to me start Kaurs Club, a community that is designed to inspire women to get outside, connect to their roots, find sisterhood - all with an invitation of belonging. During this process I also started working on myself creatively. I was a part of the Canon Futures Program of 2024 and realized that the outdoors are not the only field lacking representation. Media often overlooks the importance of representation and sharing stories that are different, that engage curiosity - I am here to change that.